The KICABA Project

Kitui Integrated Creative Arts and Business Appraisal (KICABA) is a non-governmenal organization dealing with the less fortunate in society, founded in Kitui in 2002. The organization is registered by the Government of Kenya under the NGO act. The goal is to reduce poverty among the rural people living in arid and semi-arid lands.

Kids from the KICABA Orphanage program

The program has four main programs:

  1. Micro-credit:
    This program was established to instill the culture of saving money among the local people. This make the people more independent and also give a sense of ownership. The whole community benefits from this as well, as they access loans for income generating businesses.
  2. Creative arts and local tourism promotion:
    The aim of this project is to make the locals earn a living out of making creative arts. Using traditional materials benefits the region. Also embedded in the program is local music, foods, and dancing. Some of the products can be seen in the KICABA Cultual Center curio shops.
  3. Community training:
    To empower the community, KICABA also has a program that teaches the local community about food security, human rights, business and leadership courses, computers, income generating projects and conflict management, amongst others.
  4. HIV / AIDS:
    Through this program, KICABA serves 120 orphans and vulnerable children in addition to their caretakers. This program is very important to stop the HIV/AIDS pandemic.


Contact information:

Patrick Kutu (manager)
Email: patrickutu(a)
Telephone: +254(0)7133102567
Office phone: +254(0)44-4423280

Last updated: 27.08.2013

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