The sea of sand is lies in Mutitu district, and is actually not a part of the Kitui district. From Kitui town it’s at least a two hours drive before you reach the right place. Once you’re there, you will see that the sea of sand actually is the dried up river Thua. During the rainy season this place is flooded with water, but it quickly turns to sand again once it’s over. The sand is quite fine, and thus it could be used for making bricks or cement. Currently, this resource is not being exploited.
As already mentioned above, the driving takes a lot of time. In addition, since the roads are extremely bad you can easily get a flat tire. If you really want to take visit to this place, you should consider if it’s worth it, or if you instead could stop at Inyuu Bridge. Here, you will see just the same as in the Sea of Sand, but the drive is a lot shorter.
On the way to Sea of Sand and Inyuu Bridge, you have to drive through Ngai Ndethye hills – a very curvy place. This is the reason for the name Ngai Ndethye – “so help me god”. In spite of the bad roads in this area, the scenery is very beautiful with green trees and terraces used for farming. From Nzambani village, it takes approximately 15 minutes to drive to the start of Ngai Ndethye, so you can easily combine this with a trip to Nzambani Rock if you like to.
Last updated: 27.01.2012